What's New   January 8, 2025 - BNN Bloomberg - INK CEO Ted Dixon talked to Andrew Bell about upbeat insider sentiment in the... Click for More
Get the Inside Perspective on Stocks
INK stands for Insider News and Knowledge. Our Company Insider Alert (CIA) Interactive service is built on the legally reported buying and selling of public company executives and institutional investors (10% security holders).

CIA Interactive is a distinct subscription service that allows your portfolio to benefit from the tendency of insider buying and selling to outperform the market.

To make insider signals even more powerful, we combine them with valuation and momentum factors to help expand your investment opportunities.

Why follow the insiders?
During volatile markets, following the insiders can provide valuable insights for investors. INK CEO Ted Dixon appeared on Nasdaq Trade Talks to discuss what market environments insider signals work best in and to give a quick overview of the benefits of an INK subscription. The highlighted stock climbed more than 400% from broadcast date November 17, 2020 to December 31, 2022.

Click here to watch the interview.

INK Insider Indicators
Our exclusive INK indicators are a daily rolling survey about how insiders view the opportunity to make money in the market or in specific sectors.

When an indicator hits a peak, insiders are the most optimistic. Back in late fall 2008, INK's market indicators hit an all-time peak suggesting that stocks were deeply undervalued and presented a significant buying opportunity for those with time horizons of 12 to 18 months. Share prices subsequently rallied strongly, with many small-cap names doubling in value over the next year.

INK's indicator coverage includes all top level North American Sectors and key industries.

Following insider sentiment is invaluable during periods of market volatility. Insider views on the market can help you confirm whether or not it's time to take money off the table during periods of euphoric rallies or to buy when stocks are falling.

Insiders and Company News
Are insiders buying or selling the news? See how insiders react to company news releases which you find on every company page. We provide news releases distributed by major newswire providers ACCESSWIRE, Business Wire, CNW, GlobeNewswire, Newsfile, PR Newswire, and TheNewswire. Combining company news with insider buying or selling can be a powerful investing tool. If insiders are selling after bad news, shouldn't you be too? On the other hand, if news is good, and insiders keep buying it could signal a growth opportunity!

May 9, 2016 Nasdaq announces on its Times Square tower that INK Research along with sister websites CanadianInsider.com and InsiderTracking.com has joined the GlobeNewswire distribution Network.

The INK Edge Outlook ranks over 6,000 US and Canadian stocks based on our V.I.P. criteria:
  • Valuations
  • Insider commitment
  • Price momentum
We assign a Sunny outlook to the strongest stocks while weakest end up in the Rainy category. Those with promising outlooks are assigned a Mostly Sunny outlook while those with above average risk get a Cloudy reading. Stocks in the middle that could end up breaking to either the bright or stormy side are in the mixed category.

Watch a video explanation of INK Edge outlooks

The INK Canadian Insider Index represents the institutional level daily live track record for the INK Edge process.

This rules-based mid-cap oriented Index uses INK Research's proprietary INK Edge ® V.I.P. screening criteria of value, insider commitment and price momentum to identify 50 Toronto Stock Exchange listed stocks that offer attractive growth or value opportunities. The result is a benchmark of Canadian market opportunity as identified by insiders.

The index has historically performed best during inflationary environments. In that regard, we believe March 11, 2020 represented a sea change in markets. While it marked the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, we believe it also marked the end of a low-inflation investing environment. Since that date, the INK Canadian Insider Index (up 120.88%), driven by the INK Edge process, has not only significantly outperformed the S&P/TSX Composite (up 46.87%) but also the S&P 500 (up 73.99%) as of December 29, 2023 (on a price return basis).

From March 11, 2020 to December 29, 2023,
the INK CIN Index beat the S&P 500
(click to enlarge)

From March 11, 2020 to December 29, 2023,
the INK CIN Index beat the S&P/TSX Composite
(click to enlarge)

Other Places to Find INK
In addition to CIA Interactive, INK provides information to investors through a number of different channels:

@inkresearch on Twitter   Follow @inkresearch on Twitter for market report updates.

globe & mail
Every week, we highlight one stock with insider buying in the Saturday Global and Mail. Look for us in the Globe Investor section or view it online.

Canadian Insider
The only free source for North American stock rankings that include insider commitment. In addition to monthly INK Edge outlooks for stocks, get insider filings, live US stock quotes, company news and more. Home of the Canadian Insider Research Ultra Club that provides low-cost access to key INK Research PDF reports, including the widely followed Morning INK report published every trading day. Join the Club to stay on top of key Canadian insider trends.

Insider Tracking
Tracking all North American stocks with insider buying and selling plus a lot more. Home of the Insider Tracking Advantage Ultra service which provides low cost insider filing email alerts. Advantage Ultra helps you stay on top of what insiders are doing in the stocks you own or are watching. Don't be caught off guard by unexpected insider activity in one of your stocks. Get the Advantage.